Our urgent need of the Holy Spirit today!

Our urgent need of the Holy Spirit today!

Just like Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit, we can be too. As Christians, we must take Jesus as our example. One of the reasons he came on earth as a man was to show us an example and that what he did is possible for us to do as well. We know that when Jesus was...
Veganized Senegalese Chicken Yassa | Poulet Yassa

Veganized Senegalese Chicken Yassa | Poulet Yassa

Veganized chicken nuggets 1 cup vital wheat gluten2 tbsp nutritional yeast1 tsp onion powder½ tsp salt½ tsp all purpose seasoning¼ cup tahini4 cups of vegetable broth (for cooking) In a mixing bowl, mix together the wheat gluten, nutritional yeast, onion powder, and...
Rotelle Pasta with Ratatouille sauce

Rotelle Pasta with Ratatouille sauce

Rotelle pasta with Ratatouille sauce 1 pack of rotelle pasta2 medium onions1 bell pepper (diced)1 eggplant (peeled and diced)1 zucchini (diced)1 can of diced tomato2 cloves garlic (chopped)1 tbsp balsamic vinegar2 tbsp cooking oil1 tbsp sugarSea salt (to taste)Extra...
Simple cooked fennel & orange recipe

Simple cooked fennel & orange recipe

Simple cooked fennel and orange 4 medium fennel bulbs (sliced)2 medium oranges (peeled and sliced)3 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil1 tbsp onion powderSea salt (to taste)Fresh parsley for garnish In a large pan, add all the ingredients (except the oranges), stir well and...
Lemon flavored date balls

Lemon flavored date balls

This recipe is taken from the book: OVERSEAS PLANT-BASED CUISINE – Around the world in more than 100 Simple Vegan Recipes Lemon flavored date ball 16 medium dates1/4 cup almond butter10 pistachios (chopped)10 dry cranberries (chopped)2 tbsp coconut flakes...
16 Natural Antibiotics that Our Grand-Parents Used

16 Natural Antibiotics that Our Grand-Parents Used

“He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man: that he may bring forth food out of the earth;” – Psalm 104:14 OREGANO Oregano gets its name from the Greek oros ganos (the joy of the mountains). Native to the Mediterranean region...
The Bible Diet Book Author Intentions

The Bible Diet Book Author Intentions

The main intention of this book is to help others by sharing what I know about Bible health principals. As it is written: “Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let...
Who am I & Testimony

Who am I & Testimony

Who am I & Testimony How to start? I usually only prefer to talk about myself to my close relatives. But it is better to know a little about the person who wrote the book we are reading, right?And I pray that knowing a little bit of me including some of my...
15 Bible Verses About Resisting Temptation

15 Bible Verses About Resisting Temptation

Before my husband and I got married, we had a little disagreement about food. I used to eat pork and seafood (in France, it is almost a cultural thing). He told me that when we will have kids, they won’t eat any unclean meat. It was a temptation he did not see fit for...
The Third Angel’s Message & Our Health

The Third Angel’s Message & Our Health

The book of Revelation is located at the very end of the Bible. Unfortunately many Christians miss to read it, or read it but do not study it for understanding. Like the name indicates, this book reveals many things to its readers. This revelation is from Jesus Christ...
Are Fats really Bad for You?

Are Fats really Bad for You?

There is a common belief among most of us being that fat is our worst enemy! We always think that consuming it makes us gain weight and causes health problems. So are they bad for you? On the contrary! Just like sugar, we all need fats and we can’t live without them....
Jesus: Our Savior, Our Example

Jesus: Our Savior, Our Example

Adam and Eve were overcome by the Devil because of appetite indulgence. Due to this, they lost many blessings. Consequently, our world has suffered and is suffering from many crimes and miseries resulting from sin. Before Jesus’ death and resurrection, Satan had...
Diet: Not a Criteria for Salvation, but…

Diet: Not a Criteria for Salvation, but…

Diet is not a criteria for salvation, but it is still important! Eating healthy and eating with temperance helps us learn, understand and remember the truth. Therefore, it helps in doing the will of God. Of course, eating healthy is a good way to stay on the track of...
The Bible Ends as it Begins & God’s Promise

The Bible Ends as it Begins & God’s Promise

The garden of Eden and the Bible’s description of the new earth and the new heaven have a lot of similarities. We learn that the Bible ends as it begins and about God’s Promise in the Book of Revelation. “In the midst of the street of it, and on either...



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