“He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man: that he may bring forth food out of the earth;” – Psalm 104:14


Oregano gets its name from the Greek oros ganos (the joy of the mountains). Native to the Mediterranean region and Western Asia, oregano is well known to pizza lovers. Its numerous therapeutic properties are less so. Toning, it strengthens the immune system to fight against infections, facilitate transit or eliminate itching. The great thing about oregano is that it only target harmful microbes and leaves benecial microbes alone. 


  • Treats bloating and flatulence
  • Improves transit and relieves digestive and intestinal disorders
  • Treats fevers and respiratory symptoms, which are both associated with the flu.


  • Treats wounds, stings and burns, itchy skin (fungi, eczema, skin irritations)
  • Analgesic, it treats migraines and rheumatism
  • Improves the state of the respiratory tract in case of asthma, bronchitis, colds and nasopharyngitis.


Echinacea is used to wake up and stimulate the immune system, and is especially effective in preventing various respiratory tract infections, flu or colds. It has also been shown to treat the worst form of bacteria such as the one responsible for MRSA, stphylococcus aureus. It was widely used by American Indians. The entire plant can be used (including the roots) as a tea, a juice for internal use or mixed with a neutral oil for external use. 


  • Stimulates the immune system
  • Respiratory anti-inflammatory
  • Natural antibiotic
  • Anti-infective
  • Anti-influenza
  • Antiallergic


  • It treats open wounds to help faster healing



The most effective natural insecticide, neem oil is also antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic. It is also hydrating and softening and combat bacterial skin infections including acne and dermatitis, and can help to get rid of lice. However, neem can also be taken orally in small doses for short periods of time to combat internal infections as well. it has been heavily researched. Medical researchers in India have studied neem extensively and have proven it to be effective for treating a wide range of conditions. In fact, a neem-based medicine was even patented in the United States as a treatment for AIDS. Other avenues are being investigated, such as the toxicity of neem on the parasites responsible for malaria or its ability to reduce cancerous tumors. It is also a powerful biopesticides, effective on more than 400 species of insects, parasites, pests and fungi in agricultural and forest crops! We take advantage of all its parts, bark, wood, fruits, seeds, leaves, for the benefit of men, animals and plants. However, Ayurvedic practitioners warn: neem should not be used in any way, or by anyone. Improper use can cause discomfort such as vomiting, loose stools or excessive appetite. Internally, interactions are possible with allopathic treatments, as in the case of diabetes or hypertension. The plant should also not be used by women who are pregnant or wanting to conceive.


  • Boost the immune system
  • Helps digestion
  • Improves nervous system
  • Help in balancing blood sugar
  • Hypertension
  • Prevent cavities when added in toothpaste


  • Joints inflamation
  • Lice treatment
  • Acne
  • Mosquito repelent


Besides its aromatic use in Provencal cuisine, its various virtues are able to relieve a wide variety of respiratory and intestinal ailments. It thus constitutes a broad-spectrum anti-infective and a stimulant of immunity. It contains a component called thymol that is an antimicrobial, antifungal, and antiprotozoal agent. Being one of the strongest antioxidants known today, thyme enablesto boost the immune system to better fight off infections.


  • Calms the fits of coughing, especially in pertussis-like conditions, bronchitis, pleurisy
  • Can help asthma
  • Hay fever
  • Relieves inflammation of the buccopharyngeal sphere (cavities, various dental treatments, in the form of mouthwashes)
  • Reduces nasal secretions or rhinorrhea
  • Relieve intestinal disturbances such as diarrhea, bloating, flatulence, various colopathies


  • Mycoses
  • Wounds
  • Scabies
  • Herpes
  • And many other skin conditions ranging up to with shingles.


It can be used to fight infections, fatigue, muscle pain and, above all, digestive problems (vomiting, diarrhea …). Ginger also has aphrodisiac, antioxidant anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties. Ginger helps to kill the microbes that cause some infections, but it also helps in treating the symptoms.


  • Pneumonia
  • Gout
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Nausea
  • Boosts the immune system
  • Fever
  • Cold and flu
  • Allergies
  • Migraines
  • Periods pain
  • Digestive spasms
  • Stimulates appetite
  • Tones, stimulates and strengthens the body


  • Relieves rheumatic, muscle and joint pain in arthritis, sprain, fracture, tendonitis, sciatica


Natural antibiotic with broad spectrum, antiviral and antiseptic extremely powerful, Goldenseal contains an alkaloid called berberine and has the particularity to be able to fight several viruses, parasites and bacteria at the same time. Goldenseal can effectively fight against all germs or undesirable diseases that may develop in the digestive tract (ulcers, candidiasis, gastrointestinal infections) and the upper respiratory tract (colds sinusitis, flu). It can even help to treat MRSA. 


  • Cold and flu
  • Eye infections
  • Respiratory infections
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Ulcers
  • Canker sores
  • Vaginitis
  • Gonorrhea
  • Candidiasis


  • Mucosal or skin inflammation caused by fungal or bacterial infections


Peppermint is a very good stimulant for the body. When applied topically, peppermint oil is great for treating infections of the skin such as acne and dermatitis.Taken orally, peppermint oil is able to treat a wide range of infections and is especially effective at treating gastral infections thanks to its ability to combat nausea. Be aware that like many essential oils, pepper mint oil is very concentrated and very strong. Only a few drops diluted in water or in a neutral oil should be used. 


  • Aerophagia
  • Acute diarrhea
  • Indigestion
  • Bad breath
  • Nausea
  • Stuffy nose
  • Digestive disorder
  • Infant colic
  • Cold or flu
  • Fever


  • Arthritis
  • Headache
  • Poor concentration
  • Itching
  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Eczema
  • Fatigue
  • Heavy or swollen legs
  • Migraine
  • Stuffy nose
  • Neuritis
  • Insect bite
  • Pruritus
  • Prostatitis
  • Painful periods
  • Sciatica
  • Tendinitis
  • Digestive disorder
  • Hives
  • Shingles


Already used by the Romans in Antiquity for its fragrance and its therapeutic qualities, lavender is today one of the most popular medicinal plants in phytotherapy. Today, it is one of the most effective topical antiseptics available. It is able to facilitate the growth of new skin, prevent the wound from becoming infected, and reduce scarring, when applied to cuts and scrapes.


  • Insomnia
  • Hysteria
  • Nervous disorders
  • Anti-spasmodic effect
  • Difficult digestion linked to stress or nervousness
  • Ulcerations.
  • Respiratory disorders: cold, asthma
  • Soothes in case of dizziness
  • Cardiovascular disorders: calms the onset of angina pectoris
  • Treatment of migraines and headaches
  • Staph infection


  • Relieves certain skin conditions: eczema, acne, light burns, psoriasis, insect bites
  • Heals wounds and ulcers
  • Joint pain: sprains, strains, bruises and rheumatism
  • Antivenom action on a viper bite
  • Antiparasitic (lice) and anthelmintic
  • Helps to fall asleep




The elderberry is a shrub whose berries, but especially the flowers and the bark, have been used since ancient times in herbal medicine to treat various ailments such as fever, mouth irritations and respiratory infections responsible for colds, fatty coughs, sinusitis , flu, etc. Elder also has diuretic, laxative, antirheumatic properties and more. Liquid elderberry extract is one of the most effective natural antibiotic for treating the colds and flu. 150 years ago, it has been used in the United States during a very serious influenza outbreak and has helped to save many lives.


  • Seasonal viral respiratory infections (colds, flu, sinusitis, etc.)
  • Bronchitis
  • Fevers
  • Gastrointestinal disturbances
  • Water retention
  • Cystitis and urinary tract infections
  • Oral irritations (laryngitis, pharyngitis, stomatitis, etc.)


  • Eczema
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Bruises and burns



Cinnamon has many virtues, known and used for a long time by traditional medicine. If certain precautions are to be taken for the use in phytotherapy, it is a plant which makes it possible to treat or relieve people suffering from certain pathologies, such as intestinal disorders or asthenia. It can be considered as an effective natural antibiotic and can even E.Coli, which is a hard-to-treat microbe causing several serious diseases. It is also a strong antioxidant, that helps strengthen your immune system.


  • Improves intestinal transit and promotes the disappearance of nausea
  • Flatulence, bloating and gurgling
  • Calm dental pain
  • Reduces fatigue (following a flu-like illness or a cold)
  • Gives energy
  • Regulatory effect on diabetes


  • Restores radiance to tired skin
  • Combat fungal infections such as athlete’s foot



Garlic helps fight many ailments: pain, skin conditions, digestive and respiratory problems, cholesterol or even disruption of coagulation and vascular disorders, such as high blood pressure. It contains a powerful ingredient called allicin which kills bad bacteria. Moreover, it helps boost the immune system because it is high in natural antioxidants.


  • Improves circulation
  • Lipid metabolism
  • Coagulation: antihypertensive, cholesterol-lowering, anticoagulant
  • Gastrointestinal disorders: colic, flatulence and diarrhea, infections by parasites
  • Respiratory problems: antibiotic action in case of bronchitis or seasonal infections.
  • Antioxidant effect: against cell aging
  • Ear infections


  • Pain reliever: joint, muscle and neuralgic pain
  • Action against certain skin conditions: infections, warts, corns, boils, poison ivy, and poison oak rashes



Belonging to the family of alliac vegetables, onions stand out for their antioxidant and organosulfur content which gives them many health benefits. It is a natural antibiotic, inflammation- and disease-fighting antioxidant. In addition to its beneficial effects, it is used in many dishes, raw or cooked. 


  • Boost immune system
  • Helps reduce mucus and respiratory infections
  • Asthma
  • Alleeviate fever
  • Allergies
  • Contain Cancer-Fighting Compounds
  • Help Control Blood Sugar
  • May Boost Bone Density
  • Have Antibacterial Properties
  • May Boost Digestive Health
  • Baby colic


  • Clean out the air and absorb bacteria
  • Skin bruises
  • Kills germs in house,earache
  • Acne
  • Warts
  • Chest congestion
  • Hair loss


Disinfectant of the urinary tract, cranberry, also called cranberry, can be used in case of urination disorders or in simple prevention. Cranberries inhibit the development of pathogenic germs. Very rich in vitamin C, it also has antioxidant properties.

Cranberries can prevent cystitis fairly effectively in women predisposed to this type of infection. The interest is to limit the intake of antibiotics and to space out crises. It is also used to treat urinary tract infections, for which its action is less recognized, however. Like many red fruits and berries, cranberries contribute to the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system.



  • Relieve bladder infections
  • Reverse candida overgrowth in the body
  • Inhibit the growth of H. pylori infection (the bacteria that causes stomach cancer and ulcers)
  • Help support healthy blood pressure


  • Acne
  • Reduce appearance of scars
  • Anti-aging



Cloves are known for their many benefits. It is anti-inflammatory and soothes muscle pain. But it is also a very good local anesthetic and an effective antiseptic. Cloves also work against bacteria (including E. coli.), microbes and viruses.


  • Anti-inflammatory action
  • Relieves muscle pain or rheumatism
  • Soothes urinary tract infections (kidney stones or cystitis)
  • Reduces various stomach ailments: aerophagia such as bloating
  • Very good local anesthetic
  • Useful for relieving cough from viral conditions


  • Disinfect wounds
  • Bad breath
  • Dental pain




If horseradish, a perennial plant of the same category as cabbage and mustard, is often used as a condiment, it also has many medicinal properties in phytotherapy. Horse radish has very good antioxidant and antibiotic properties, and as a result, helps to reduce infection, relieve sinus and respiratory illness.


  • Stimulates the digestive process
  • Calms gastroesophageal reflux
  • Has a slight laxative effect
  • Reduces intestinal gas
  • Promotes the disappearance of parasites in the intestines
  • Contributes to the digestion of lipids
  • Reduces edema
  • Facilitates and increases urinary elimination
  • Allows to limit the proliferation of bacteria and to fight against certain viruses (flu)
  • Protects the body against Escherichia coli and staphylococcus aureus
  • Cleanses the breath.
  • Decongests the sinuses and bronchi
  • Soothes asthma and catarrh
  • Relieves joint pain related to osteoarthritis and arthritis
  • Promotes better blood circulation
  • Anti-cancer properties


  • Helps fight against cold extremities and frostbite
  • As a poultice: reduces rheumatism and joint pain
  • Calms the itching linked to insect bites.



Very known for its edible fruit, pineapple is a tropical plant with multiple therapeutic properties. Its stem contains a powerful enzyme (bromelain, from the protease family) that can be used as an anti-inflammatory, healing, anti-platelet aggregation, antiphlogistic and anti-edematous. This medicinal plant also acts as a dewormer. It also relieve inflammation, ulcerative colitis, and to improve the health of your urinary tract.


  • Reduce pain associated with osteoarthritis and treat inflammatory conditions affecting the joints
  • Flatulence or dyspepsia
  • Digestive discomfort
  • Boost immune system
  • Helps fight a cold or flu


  • Healing of wounds
  • Burns
  • Insect bites
  • Reducing of edema
  • Acne
  • Reduce skin marks



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