In June 2019 I conducted my first cooking class. I would never imagine that I would conduct a cooking class. But a sister in my church, who saw one of my YouTube videos, strongly encouraged me to do it when I joined the church health ministry. So, I thought about it, and because I like to help the community and I would do anything that can glorify God.
The only issue for me was that I am usually not comfortable speaking to a large public, and especially in English, but I like challenges so I accepted. And I thought that with God’s help it could help me feel more comfortable in public.
I also told myself that for this cooking class to be successful and for me to be as comfortable as I can I should prepare and organize myself very well.
At the end, I won’t say that the cooking class was perfect but I can confirm that it was a success. The participant very pleasant with the recipes and the tips I gave them, and God was glorified during the event.
But without the help of 3 sisters, I would have probably struggled. And I will talk about the importance of getting help below.
So here are some tips to conduct a plant-based cooking class:
So why a plant-based cooking class?
In the Bible, God gave us a health message. God loves us so much and He cares not only about our physical health but also our mental and our spiritual health ” Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” – 3 John 2.
I explained in a video why the law of clean and unclean animals still applies to us today. And in another video, that even if it is not a sin to eat clean meat, God leads today toward the diet He gave to our first parents Adam and Eve.
I also have to add that God made a huge change in me, and this change includes the way I eat. I used to eat anything and everything, and to criticize and even sometimes argue with some you had a different diet from me. This happened before God showed me what was best for my health and that I studied scientific facts as well.
How it came to be?
A sister in my church saw one of my video on YouTube and strongly encouraged me to conduct a cooking class. At first, I didn’t agree because presenting something in public and live is different from a video that you can easily edit. But when God leads you into something, you can’t turn your back on him. And He uses His people to bless them and bless others.
I also remembered that I prayed so many times that God helps me to feel comfortable talking in public and He did!
But anyway this cooking class was organized by many amazing people in my church who are part of the personal and the health ministry.
We all discussed upon a date and a time a place, a menu, a budget.
Once it was approved by the board we were all set to promote and to prepare this cooking class.
For promotion, we planned to have it advertised about 2 weeks before and then a day before (as a reminder) on the church website, during a Sabbath health spotlight, and to the church contact list by text message and email.
The Preparation
4 weeks before
- I started to write down the menu, the grocery list, a list of the material that I will need, and the things that I want to mention during the class.
- Also, I tested once again the recipes that were on my menu.
- And I prayed that God will be done and that this cooking class glorifies Him.
A week before the cooking class
- I finalized my documents (the menu, the grocery list, and a document I previously made for a health spotlight regarding protein, iron, and calcium in a plant-based diet). And printed them.
- I also asked my husband to purchase a few Amazing Facts Ministry Bible study guides about God’s Health Plan, that is so well done and explained.
- I started to buy items from my grocery list and my needed material list.
- And I prayed that God prepares me so that this cooking class can be successful.
3 days before the cooking class
- I purchased all the fresh ingredients I needed (ex: tomatoes, cucumbers…).
- And I prayed that God gives me rest on the Sabbath and gives me peace of mind.
The day of the cooking class
- The cooking class started at 4 pm so I had plenty of time to precook some food, pre-measure some of my ingredients, and gather all my materials in bags. This preparation took sometimes and if you plan to do a cooking class I would recommend that you prepare at part of those things the night before (such as gathering most of your material in bags)
- I have to admit that I felt a tiny bit of stress, but incredibly this was nothing compared to the stress I used to have in the past before talking in public. And I was very excited about this cooking class.
- If like me you feel some stress before talking in public (which is the 2nd biggest fear… after the fear of spiders ^^) it is probably because you are scared of what people might think about what you’ll say. But God reminded me that I should care more about what He thinks that what other people think, and that what I do is to help others. When I got converted He also gave me so much love for others, even those who were mean to me. So remember these things, you do it to help your brothers and sisters that you love, and you care about what God thinks.
- Here is a song that helped me relax while in my car. It might help you too 😉 https://youtu.be/NdFI2PQ92lI
At the place
- I arrived an hour before the cooking class started. The bags full of food and material were super heavy so I asked some strong arms to help me.
- We set up the table (3 long tables) in an L shape. I had 2 long tables in front of me while facing the public and showing them the cooking + serving the food samples, and one on the side where I place most of my material and ingredients.
When the guests arrived
- I welcomed the guests, told them a little about me and about what recipes I’ll cook, and I asked if there are any allergies.
- We then did a prayer to ask God for guidance and that through this cooking class we will recognize all the wonderful and delicious things He created for us to enjoy and be healthy.
- Two of my recipes included tofu and one of the attendants told me that she can’t eat tofu. So I asked her, do you have an allergy? She answered me, no, but she can’t stand the taste of tofu. You will see below how she reacted to one of my recipe which includes tofu 😉
- Health-related documents were also distributed to them (including the recipes and the grocery list)
During the cooking class
- I was thankful that a sister in my church advised me to measure some ingredients in advance. It made things quicker and so much more simple. I made sure to speak a little loud and slowly so that people could understand what I say despite my French accent. But for the next cooking class, we will get a micro so that even the people sitting at the back will be able to hear.
- The plant-based cooking class went very well, and not only because of the organization but because 3 sisters came to help me, and without them, I think I would have struggled. I am so thankful for them. So helped with the cooking process, they helped to serve the samples to the guest and helped with the dish and the cleaning. One of them also helped to make a video of the class.
- Each time a dish was done and was a little cool, guests were able to taste them. I’m so glad that every single participant liked the recipes. I saw a little boy ask for some more salad, which is rare nowadays. And the lady that told me at the beginning that she can’t stand the taste and texture of tofu, truly love the vegan fried chicken recipe made with tofu. I was so happy about it. This is the recipe that amazed most of the participant because it is tough to find delicious meat substitute recipes, and this one is really similar to chicken. (You will find all the recipes below).
At the closing of the plant-based cooking class
- I thank everyone for coming and a church brother prayed to thank God for this blessed plant-based cooking class.
- With the help of a few sisters we clean and packed up all my material in the bags and in my car.
I really pray that by sharing with you some details of this cooking class, from beginning to end, it will bless the readers and encourage them to conduct plant-based cooking classes in their own church.
Plant-Based Cooking Class Recipes
or click on each recipe below
- High Protein Gourmet Salad Recipes
How to Perfectly Cook Quinoa
Smoked Scrambled Tofu | Easy Recipe
Sweet Potato Cubes | Air Fryer Recipe - Honey butter Vegan Fried Chicken | Air Fryer Recipe
Honey Butter Sauce|Vegan Recipe
Vegan Honey Recipe (bonus recipe)
Vegan Chicken Broth | Express Recipe
Homemade Vegan BBQ Sauce (bonus recipe) - Peanut butter – Chocolate Granola Recipe
Vegan Yogurt Recipe | Made with Coconut Milk (bonus recipe)
I share with you the prices noted next to the articles so that you can have an idea of the needed budget for the recipes above if you decide to make them. They are those I paid while shopping at my local farmer’s market, shop rite, Walmart and trader joe’s. Depending on where you shop and where you live the prices may vary.
Fruits and vegetables section
- 5 oz baby romaine, green and red leafs $2.49
- 5 large tomatoes $2
- 2 large Cucumbers $1
- 2 yellow sweet pepper $1,50
- 4 medium size sweet potatoes $2
- 3 garlic cloves $0,25
- 2 lemons $0,50
- Seasonal fruits (to top the granola) $2
Normally in the fruits and vegetables section
- Dry cranberries $3,49
- Pumpkin seeds $4,49
- Croutons $1,79
Canned foods section
- 2 cans of chickpeas $2
Condiments and sauce section
- Soy sauce $2,50
- Liquid smoke
- Olive oil $3,49
- Balsamic glaze $2,99
- Agave or maple syrup $3,69
- Peanut butter $4,40
Herbs, spices & salt
- Sea salt $2
- Paprika $1
- Onion powder $1
- Garlic powder $1
- Black pepper $1
- Dried parsley flakes $1
- Turmeric $1,79
- Dried thyme $1,79
- Dried marjoram $1,79
- Ground dill $2,49
- Cinnamon $1,49
Grains section
- Quinoa $3,49
Plant based product section
- 2 16 oz firm tofu 2 x $2,29
- Flaxseed meal $3
- Flour (unbleached) $3
- Nutritional yeast $2,99
- Coconut or canola oil cooking spray $2,50
- Brown sugar $2
- Dry bananas $1,99
- Dry shredded coconut $2,99
- Carob chips or dairy free chocolate chips (sometimes hard to find in stores, but you can find it online) $5
- Plain corn flakes (not frosted and non-GMO) $2,49
- Rolled oat $1,99
Fridge section
- Non diary butter $2,50
- Soy or coconut milk yogurt $5
If you want to make the bonus recipes, add these items to your cart:
BBQ sauce
- Tomato paste $0,69
- Molasses $3,15
- Apple cider vinegar $2,49
- Cayenne pepper $1,59
Vegan Yogurt
- 2 cans full-fat coconut milk 2 x $1,50
- Agar-agar flakes / not powder (if you can’t find it in stores, you can find it online) $8,95
- Probiotic powder (you should be able to find it in the vitamin section) $7,99
Vegan honey
- Apple juice (not from concentrate) $3
You might also consider buying the material that you don’t already have at home. Personally, I had to buy the following items:
- Small transparent bowls (20) $2.99 at Amazing savings
- Small cylinder (granola yogurt) (24) $4 at Amazing Savings
- Mini forks and spoons (48) $1.29 at Amazing Savings
- Single burger hot plate $15.99 at Amazing Savings
- small white towels $1 at Dollar Tree
For the salad
- A cutting board to cut the tomatoes, the cucumbers, and the bell pepper
- A knife to cut the tomatoes and the bell peppers
- A peeler to peel the cucumbers
- A slicer (optional) to slice the cucumbers (but you can also use a knife)
- A large bowl to mix all the ingredients together
- Mixing spoon to mix all the ingredients together
- Small plastic bowls (or plate), plastic knives and plastic forks (for 20 people, cater for a little more)
For the vegan chicken
- A medium bowl
- Measurers tools (a tablespoon, a teaspoon, a cup)
- Tofu press with another medium bowl to receive the tofu liquid
- Transparent powder free gloves
- A cutting board to cut the tofu
- A medium bowl for the broth
- White absorbing cloth to absorb the extra broth for the tofu
- A pan to warm up the honey butter sauce
- An oven rack to let the vegan chicken pieces cool down
- 2 spoons to serve
- Small plastic plates + forks (about 25)
For the granola, yogurt & fruits
- A large bowl for the granola mix
- An oven pan
- 3 small spoons to serve the granola, the yogurt, and the fruits
- About 25 transparent small glasses
- A big garbage bag
- Extra plates, forks, and spoons (in case)
- 3 small white towels
- extension cord
- Multi-plug outlet
- Apron
- Documents (recipes, grocery list and other health-related documents you can share)
- Camera with empty SD card and a stand
- Air fryer (optional, you can also cook the vegan fried chicken in an oven)
- Napkins
- Extra knives and cutting boards if you can
- A sponge, dish liquid
- Pen and paper in case you need to take notes
- 1 or 2 large table cloth
Extra Tips
I hope that this information will be helpful to you if you have in mind to do a plant-based cooking class. And here are some extra tips that were shared to me:
- You can visit your demonstration site in advance and make sure that the needed equipment works (ex: oven)
- Try to review food some safety information making sure that you have proper temperatures
- Find a few volunteers in your church to help you
- Share 1 or 2 new skills during your class (ex: how to quickly cube tomatoes)
- If you make a mistake, make it a teaching moment and you can even joke about it. Everybody makes mistakes.
- Try to use ingredients and recipes that they will probably want to make again
- You can ask a few students to participate and help
- Remember that everyone has different tastes. Suggest different recipes, and don’t vex if someone doesn’t like your recipe.
- Try to use ingredients that are currently in season
- Prefer to use medium to large bowls rather than small ones, to avoid disasters (same for the pans)
- Try to share interesting information about some of your ingredient (ex: the amount of protein in tofu)
- Make attractive plate presentations
- Ask the participants if they have any allergies
- Have fun! We all related to food, and cooking should be a fun moment for everyone.
Different types of cooking classes
- School children cooking classes
- Seasonal cooking class
- Cooking class by country (ex: French, Chinese, Guyanese…)
- Cooking class for beginners
- Advanced kitchen technique workshop
- Food awareness
- 4-week meal plan
If you have any questions, or any suggestion I’d love to hear from you. Simply leave a comment below.