Let’s talk about a simple but powerful skill—reading food labels. Understanding what’s in the food we eat is essential for maintaining good health. Many packaged foods contain hidden ingredients that can affect our well-being, so let’s learn how to make informed...
Are you stressed or anxious? Do you easily lose your temper? You might want to consider to eat specific foods to be calm. Some situations can trigger unwanted feelings and reactions, and what might come to the mind is that it is hereditary, that it is someone’s...
Below is a content shared online by the naturopath Barbara O’Neill. VITAMIN B12 – This is a very misunderstood vitamin. Yet not really a vitamin, more a bacteria. As an airborne bacteria it is found in rain water, in organic root vegetables and on organic...
I wanted to share with you the notes I took from a breast cancer video from Barbara O’Neill. I might help you or anyone you know who suffers from breast cancer or just as prevention information. I pray that it will be a blessing. * Please note that I might have...
Hi there! I am Anne-Laure, Biblical Health & Life Coach. I am delighted to share with you what God has taught me about health and true happiness through his words in the Bible, as well as scientific facts well in line with the Scriptures.