Our diet & God’s Judgement

Our diet & God’s Judgement

First, we have to remember that we are all accountable for what we know and I believe that there will be people in heaven who ate unclean food because they didn’t know that it was unclean Were they subject to God’s judgement? “So then every one of us shall give...
Eating, Drinking & Judgement

Eating, Drinking & Judgement

Man to Man Judgement Can we judge one another when it comes to eating and drinking? To answer this question, let’s see what Paul meant by these words: “For one believeth that he may eat all things: another, who is weak, eateth herbs.” – Romans 14:2...
Food and The Devil’s Deception in the Last Days

Food and The Devil’s Deception in the Last Days

The devil knows that his days are coming to an end, and he will do all in his power to deceive as many as he can. But we should not be afraid. Every Christians should know that they should not fear Satan: “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and...
The Truth About Processed Food

The Truth About Processed Food

What is Processed Food? The lhsfna gives a good definition: Processed food is any food that’s altered during preparation to make it more convenient, shelf-stable or flavorful. Some foods are much more processed than others. A bagged salad or pre-cut green beans...